I will respond on that, because in different areas they have different varieties of sizes. Different increases have been made over the past few years.
When it comes to an increase in carapace size, some reasons were economic, but most thrust was put forward on egg production. In some areas, it was very easy to increase egg production by going with a very small increase. In other areas, you had to go farther to get a carapace size that would double egg production.
In most instances, it's where the fisheries was developed around small-sized lobster that the problem became apparent in increasing carapace size, just because of the economics that had been built around that fishery. The sale of lobsters was developed for that type of lobster. So to change that model would take a lot longer than in areas that were not developed around that--in Prince Edward Island, say, where they have a canner, or in New Brunswick, where they have a canner fisheries.
In our area, where it was not processing--it was mostly live market--you'll notice, as in most areas that have a larger lobster, it's more curtailed toward the live market.