--a slot. We call it the window. If a lobster doesn't reach a certain size, then you throw it back over, and it survives. They use that in various places in Atlantic Canada.
What we're saying is that in areas where you're not close to your 50% mature, we strongly advise that you allow for those larger females to stay in the water. You return them to the water. We do have that.
We do have a recommendation on refugia, which are closed areas. The refugium is in Browns Bank. In southwest Nova Scotia there's an area 40. If you look at the last page in the back of your book, you can see area 40, which is a place where no fishing of lobster takes place at all, by any fleet. We feel this is where larvae are spawned. They drift and they settle in area 34. That could be why southwest Nova Scotia is doing so well, but we don't have the proof.