Thank you, Mr. Stoffer.
Mr. Van Kesteren asked if we had some tough questions, and this was one of them. But we need to say how it is. This is a driver in the fishery. When people are fishing and they don't quite get enough money from the fishery but they get enough stamps, that allows them to remain in the fishery even if they don't make any money--people who otherwise would be out.
There's a flip side to that. Because there's an EI system, the fishermen don't need to fish every last one. They may stop when they get enough lobsters. They don't have to continue. There's a flip side. There are two ways of looking at it.
But we certainly do not want to make a value judgment on the benefits of having an EI system. We've mentioned tourism as well. These are industries that use the system because they're seasonal. We have absolutely no problem with that, and we don't want to make a judgment. But we feel it's warranted to tell the minister that this is a reason that the effort could be driven more, or it could be less in some areas. There's a flip side to it.