Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
I agree with Mr. Kamp. There are a lot of problems on the west coast. I spent a lot of the last meeting trying to convince people to continue and hear witnesses, and that failed.
With the situation that's before us at the moment, we have a massive reduction in quota--again, a slap in the face to the fishermen and the plant workers. It's right in my area, so I certainly support.... I think it's a responsibility of this committee, when fishermen and plant workers and people involved and millions of dollars are lost to the area--and even more so for my own area.
I think it's so important that this committee find out just what went on, what should be done, what the government can do, or what advice we can give to the government to try to relieve, somewhat, the massive cut in the quota, and also find out why. Bring the people before the committee and find out why all of a sudden we had to slash the quota to such a massive extent.
With that, I would propose
That pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), the House of Commons Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans study the snow crab industry in Atlantic Canada and Quebec, and that the committee report to the House on its findings and conclusions.