Simply to correct the record, Mr. Chair, I know Mr. Byrne isn't at the steering committee, and when we worked on this work plan my recollection is that we did talk about aquaculture and B.C. issues. And as has been said a couple of times, I think, we were not clear in our minds whether by moving in that direction while there was a new regulation process going to regulate aquaculture and the Cohen inquiry taking place our presence would be helpful or counterproductive. But we did agree to get an update from the director general for aquaculture on the regulation-making process, and we did hear a motion from Mr. Donnelly, which we supported, to hear from Alexandra Morton. Our side introduced an amendment to that motion to also bring in Dr. Sheppard so we could kind of get a sense about where the issue is. So we've been interested in this issue, and to try to make it sound like we're not is disingenuous, I think.
It seems pretty clear.... I don't know how we'd get there at this point, because we've got multiple things on the floor, and I think Mr. Blais was trying to get there as well. We need to accept the fact that we've got the Fisheries Act coming at some point. It won't be that long, I think, and then we'll be interrupted by that, whether we like it or not. Until then, we've got a limited amount of time. We have two priorities kind of floating around and kind of equally represented, I think. Perhaps it needs to go back to the steering committee to try to work out about how we spend seven or eight meetings, perhaps, not to mention the main estimates, which are still out there, and eco-certification floating around too.
I think we're really confused at this point. So If we could find a way to dispose of these things or find a way to refer this to the steering committee for further study, or a motion to defer this, perhaps, until the steering committee has a chance to figure out how we would possibly do all the things on our plate.... You know, we understand the interest in all of these things, and we have a limited amount of time. Our concern is that, in the midst of a few witnesses, all of a sudden we're onto another topic unrelated to eco-certification, unrelated to the main estimates, unrelated to the Fisheries Act.... We look pretty silly at times going hither and yon without a real plan, and none of us wants to look like that.