They were put in place by the Government of Canada and we were charged with the responsibility of administering the program and adhering to those terms and conditions. Those terms and conditions were targeted to people who had experienced a significant drop in income and who were reliant on that income. If there was an area where individuals had a suite of licences and their income didn't drop by the required amount, then they were not eligible. If they made over a certain amount of money, they were not eligible, and so on and so forth.
Most of the money was put in the hands of the fishermen. There was an amount for administration and then there was an amount that was lapsed as a result of not having the uptake. Many of the fishermen were able to offset the lower prices by increasing fishing effort and by catching more lobsters. There was less uptake than was originally expected or anticipated, and that money was lapsed. The vast majority of the money that was spent was put in the hands of the fishermen who qualified.