Mr. Byrne, in terms of the quality of 3K crab, it's been known for a long period of time now. The Newfoundland and Labrador provincial government and a delegation went to Japan back in 1993, and it's been documented that there's a lot higher yield for the 3K crab product. The size is quite comparable to other areas of the southern gulf. We've had discussions with deputy minister Alastair O'Reilly who worked in a processing plant way back in the nineties, and he said the yield was significantly higher, in the range of anywhere from 5% to 7% higher.
I'll just sum it up there. Our association lobbied ASP this past winter, off season, and we said, look, we see a direct gain, a direct higher return for higher-sized crab. The way the price structure is here in Newfoundland, it's basically a “TAL qual” average price for all crab in all areas, and not all crab are equal. Not to take away from any other areas, but let's put an incentive program in place whereby another size, say a 4¼- or a 4½-sized carapace, which will yield probably an eight to ten or 12 ounce-plus section, will give a higher return to the producer and to the harvester.
In terms of the product out of 3K, it's well documented that it's of much higher value.