Mr. Kamp, as a representative for the over-40-foot fleet, I'll say the buddy-up policy is a very important policy. It has to stay in place for the long-term future success of enterprises in the over-40-foot fleet. The buddy-up policy is a form of consolidation and a form of rationalization. It is a form of efficiency and good business sense. We'd like to see the two policies—buddy-up and combining—run parallel and in conjunction with each other with as much flexibility as possible for the licence-holders in this industry to make their operations the most efficient and viable.
I'd also like to mention for the over-40-foot fleet that a lot of those enterprises are family-run businesses, and if two members of the family combine, one of the licence-holders has to lose his or her identity. They've probably gone out and purchased an enterprise for $1 million. Then they lose their vessel registration, their groundfish licence, and their pelagics, the capelin and mackerel. A significant amount of value is lost in that acquired enterprise, so our association is in the process of putting a proposal forward this fall, in the off-season, whereby the buddy-up policy will stay in place. We may have to give it a different title, because it's a form of partnership. Whether it's a family partnership or a non-family partnership, it's a partnership that is beneficial to both parties involved.
In terms of combining, another issue that a lot of our members have brought forward to our executive is the amount of quota you can combine. Presently, restrictions in the criteria for combining mean you can only combine two quotas. That is crab, shrimp, or cod. However, our members feel that the second quota of crab or shrimp should be increased to three or four quotas to make that enterprise even more efficient and successful and to provide good incomes for everybody from crew members right up to vessel owners. That is a major concern we have.
In our division 3K, there are different fleet sectors. There's a full-time fleet sector and there's a supplementary fleet sector. In the supplementary, you can only combine double what your quota is. For example, if 100,000 pounds is the maximum individual quota in the 3K supplementary fleet--it's twice whatever the quota level is in your fleet, so you are capped at 100,000 plus 100,000--your quota is 200,000 pounds. But if you are a full-time licence-holder and you have 220,000 pounds, you can increase your combined quota to 440,000 pounds.
We'd just like to see the ability to increase your quota level straight across the board.