First of all, I want to thank you for inviting me and Leonard Denny. We speak on behalf of 10,000 Mi'kmaq of Nova Scotia. There were five in the earlier group representing the corporate licences, so if we're talking equity here, I think what we should do is invite another 100 or so Mi'kmaq people to say what they have to say and how the snow crab industry affects them.
I prepared a little speech here. I work for UINR, the Unama'ki Institute of Natural Resources. It's an umbrella organization of the five Mi'kmaq communities of Nova Scotia. I can only speak for these five communities. As Leonard mentioned earlier, there are seven that currently fish in the Scotian Shelf for snow crab.
There are 10,000 residents who fish in the Scotian Shelf, and they represent 74% of the Mi'kmaq population of Nova Scotia. This equates to 21 and a half licences in area 23 and eight and a half licences in area 24. In addition to these licences, the Mi'kmaq communities currently own one, as mentioned earlier; Millbrook owns a fixed allocation.
The 30 licences and the fixed allocation equate to approximately 176 jobs for seven communities. That's just in the snow crab industry alone. These jobs mean that 176 families benefit from employment and a sense of well-being and belonging that being part of a community provides. The money generated from the snow crab industry and the commercial fisheries goes directly back into the community.
I want to go back. When I was contacted to do a presentation here, I asked why. It seemed as though the group before and a few now, maybe, were concentrating on the sharing formula. When I was asked to do a brief little presentation on what my view is, it was on how the snow crab industry affects the first nations Mi'kmaq communities that I represent. Based on that, I made a presentation based on how it affects the Mi'kmaq communities. I'll briefly mention the sharing formula, but it seems to me that this whole meeting here is focusing on that instead.
The money generated from the snow crab fishery and the commercial fishery goes back directly to communities. The chief and councillors of each community determine how best to allocate the money generated from the commercial fishery enterprises. Money that is generated for each community goes towards essential services within the community, such as housing, education, infrastructure, social services, health, community services, job creation, community enterprises, and improved well-being. Snow crab jobs provide opportunities and increased well-being that did not exist prior to the Marshall decision.
The amount of money generated from the fishery and the number of jobs it creates do not equate to a moderate livelihood for each community member; in most communities, snow crab revenue is used to help bail out other fisheries that are losing money, in hopes that the employees can accumulate enough income and enough employment insurance benefits to help them through the non-fishing season. Chiefs and councils decide for the communities how best to benefit the greatest number of people through work projects and supporting essential services, as well as supporting businesses and fisheries that are not profitable, in the name of job creation.
As you can see, there's a dependence on the snow crab fishery. We realize the importance of not fishing at all costs and want this resource to be there for generations to come to help our communities and their people; therefore, we support science recommendations and advice.
We feel that the definition of moderate livelihood has not been taken seriously. No moderate livelihood agreements have been honoured since the Marshall decision. The Marshall response initiative was a great thing for our communities, and things were much worse prior to the decision, but they are a long way from where we want them to be. More needs to be done to support economic opportunities and employment opportunities within Mi'kmaq communities, and more access to the snow crab industry is a start.
The snow crab industry on the Scotian Shelf is in good condition because of the cuts and management decisions that the participants made in the past. This has resulted in a high abundance of crab this year; the biomass has reached it peak and is now heading for a decline. This is a natural occurrence in snow crab and something that is easy to predict, whereas prices and political involvement are not.
The TAC is now at high levels never seen before, but unfortunately we have had to live with low prices because of the economy. With low prices for crab and increased operating costs, communities have had to adjust their budgets to compensate and have had to make decisions that affect the well-being of their members.
Any negative adjustments in quota affect the seven Mi'kmaq communities that fish snow crab and their approximately 10,000 members. This includes the new licence that was issued as well as the effects that will occur if the proposed sharing formula is implemented. Less quota available for first nation communities means fewer jobs and less money for essential services within the communities.
The IFMP did not support additional access to the snow crab areas of area 23 and area 24, as it stated that the fishery was fully subscribed. The seven Mi'kmaq communities of Nova Scotia that fish on the Scotian Shelf asked for more access prior to the Rhyno decision and were denied, only to watch the minister of the day issue a new licence without any fee to a non-native and with no benefit to any Mi'kmaq community.
The Supreme Court decision should have been considered prior to making the Rhyno decision. The Rhyno decision made us lose faith in DFO and the entire process, and we are left to question whether the courts and the federal government are indeed protecting our rights. We are now ail wondering how a person can receive a licence in this lucrative fishing area without consulting the Mi'kmaq of Nova Scotia or the fishermen who have been affected. The Mi'kmaq should have had first right to more access to this area to help meet the premise of what was promised in the Marshall decision, a moderate livelihood. The Rhyno decision took quota away from each Mi'kmaw person and community, and any adjustment to the sharing formula will do the same.
The issuance of the Rhyno licence goes directly against the commercial fisheries 1996 licensing policy for eastern Canada, whereby DFO gives special consideration to aboriginal peoples for commercial licences when opportunities arise. The opportunity was there for the minister to live up to the Marshall response initiative and support Mi'kmaq communities in receiving additional access, but the minister did not. This decision was made with total disregard to conservation, first nations, and management protocols in place at the time. The Rhyno decision causes first nation communities to question DFO's managerial ability. We are left to wonder if DFO considers treaty rights or first nation community sustainability when making decisions.
Thank you.