I'd like to just comment on the question you asked, but I want to make a comment first.
With no disrespect, Gerry, I wanted you to see, and not to see double. I don't know where you get this four-group stuff. It is three groups.
And you asked about the industry and how we're getting along out in the water and stuff like that, and are we bumping into each other, and are there too many traps. Well, the reality is that the first nations fish and we create employment. We actually go out there and fish. The traditional licences do the same: they go out there and fish. The temporary ones don't do that. They sell it in the water and somebody else fishes it. So they get a cheque at the end of the day, and they don't go fishing for it.
And if you want to talk about price, the problem is that when they sell it in the water it usually ends up in a processor's hand, so that drives our price down because the processor now has a great deal of quota. So it does bring the price down; it doesn't help anything.
So just to answer your comment, no, we're out there. We're fishing. We employ safe practices. Our community does drug testing. We're the only ones who do drug testing for all our fishermen, so we're out there doing the safe thing. We're creating employment. We're doing conservation and we're going to these meetings.
This is an example. This is a leader in snow crab Atlantic fishery. You're going to be all over the Maritimes, but area 23 and 24 is a leader. We didn't fight when we were told to cut. We didn't write letters when we were told to cut. We didn't protest when we were told to cut.
And in the gulf they've experienced a huge cut—63%. But the question I would ask you to ask is whether they were told for years and years and years to cut. I think they were, and they fought it. And now they blame government.
We don't do that. We manage it. We work with DFO, all us groups, and we manage it as a collective group. So you cannot punish us for that. There was actually talk about taking some other areas and bringing them to our area. So punish us for managing our own resources properly, for taking the cuts when we were told to take the cuts? I don't agree with that.
And again, we do a great job here. This is a leader. Take note: this is a leader in industry.