I would have liked to make a few comments on your two questions, Mr. Blais.
First, we've seen seal in the gulf in the past 10 years like we've never seen it before. Everywhere we see little heads popping out of the water all around the boat. There are so many that, for a few years now, a number of fishermen have been catching whole big seals right in the traps. Probably the seal goes down to feed in the trap, then can't get out and drowns. When we bring it up, it's dead. That increasingly happening.
With regard to your second question about trust, I think we had the best example of that this morning. When the Fisheries and Oceans Canada people were seated here, we were seated at the back of the room. Do you see any Fisheries and Oceans Canada people listening to us now? That's a lack of trust.
Thank you.