I'm asking that because I think it's one of the things we heard in testimony; they told us that they never knew for sure that the information they provided didn't get filtered in some way that they wouldn't have liked. I think they said it was very difficult for them to ever go and find out what the minister really did hear in terms of advice from her managers as opposed to this advisory committee, and just how different it looked at the end of day. But we can talk maybe more about that.
The other issue that was raised out there is one that I'm not even sure I know how to explain. One fisherman talked about the commercial biomass, which I assume you estimate through your trawl survey and so on. And then you go out and fish--say, 20,900.
I see in one column in this chart that was provided something called “residual” biomass. I'm not sure how you estimate that.
This individual talked about lost crab, that every year there was lost crab. Can you try to help me understand what he might have been referring to there?