Perhaps I can help you. In my humble opinion, perhaps Mr. Allen's motion is a little premature. We are simply having a discussion. Mr. Donnelly will certainly wish to comment on this matter. Then there will be a vote to decide whether or not to defer the motion. If the motion is deferred, that will put an end to the discussion. However, if we vote not to defer the motion, then we are back to discussing the main motion. We could amend it again, if necessary, to set aside the idea of a study or something else. We could have a discussion. As I see it, while Mr. Allen did move a motion, we're merely at the discussion stage. It doesn't preclude us from taking further action and it's not a problem.
Once we've discussed this together and once various points have been made, then we can vote with a clear conscience on whether or not to defer the motion. To my mind, it's not overly complicated and it doesn't adversely affect the motion per se. If I decide that I don't want to defer the motion, I will vote nay. And if that's the will of the majority, then we'll go back to discussing the original motion. If I decide to vote yea...
My decision will depend on lot on what Mr. Donnelly has to say. I think it could work. I don't have a problem with discussing whether or not we should defer the motion in question. That's quite acceptable. Otherwise, it would mean that any motion to defer a motion could not be passed until such time as a vote has been taken on the main motion. If that were the case, we could never move a motion to defer another motion. That's my understanding of things.