Mr. Chair, John is basically admitting something he wasn't keen on earlier, namely that he would have preferred a study. Raynald's amendment calls for the committee to hear from the parties concerned by the request made to Fin. A client contacted Fin and asked to testify before the committee and to hear the department's take on this particular matter.
First, we debated the initial motion which called for the committee to undertake a study. The Conservative Party objected to that and gave some valid, logical reasons for doing so. All that to say that we were also put in a difficult position.
However, the committee first should decide whether a study is warranted and Fin's motion should go forward. Once the committee has heard from both parties concerned, then it could decide whether or not it needs to undertake a study. At least we will hear what the parties have to say and their reasons for requesting a study. If we find that there is no reason for doing a study, then that will be the end of it. Perhaps both parties will have been able to explain their respective positions.