With respect to research, I think the first thing to talk about is that in Budget 2008 the government established what we call the sustainable aquaculture program. The government invested $70 million in new funding in aquaculture at large. This is prior to and independent of the B.C. case. As part of that, we established what's called the program for aquaculture regulatory research. This fiscal year that we're in now has, under that program, 17 new positions for aquaculture-related research. Six of those are going into British Columbia; two, I think it was last year, went into B.C., and one the year before. The program has a five-year timeframe, and it ramps up over time. This is year three. Next year there will be an additional 17 researchers going into aquaculture research nationally. I don't have the breakdown nationally, but there will be more in B.C.
I share your view that in the past the absence of research on all sides of this issue—not just from a DFO perspective—has been a problem. A big part of the government's approach to aquaculture in general on the sustainable aquaculture program is to tie its research to the regulatory issues, as opposed to pure curiosity-driven research on aquaculture issues in general. We're hoping that over time, as these resources fully come on line and individuals are in the positions and their research is undertaken and results start to emerge, we'll have research results that are much more pointed and focused on the regulatory questions.
In this case, obviously we would focus some of them on British Columbia, but many of the issues we're dealing with are national, so the research energy is devoted across the country. The bottom line is that we will, independently of this decision, end up with a substantially new research presence in B.C. that will enhance our ability, we think anyway, to manage the resource.
With respect to the debate about wild versus farmed and its relative priority, you've put your finger on a point that comes forward regularly in the public consultations. Some of the questioning is fundamentally around the role and the nature of government. There are those who argue that regulatory and management functions—it doesn't matter whether it's fisheries or forests or agriculture or what have you—shouldn't be in the same place. Others argue that it should be.
To wrap up very quickly, then, on that point, essentially the approach we're taking is that this gives us an opportunity to manage marine ecosystems in an integrated way. Fisheries and Oceans will have access to the management tools, if you will, for the full suite of things that need to be done in a marine ecosystem context, in a way that we think anyway will allow for a much more integrated approach to management of all resource uses.
I'll come back to your third question in the next turn around, if I may.