Insofar as your visit, your intended field trip, is concerned, you can't go and visit closed containment facilities because there are none. They don't exist in Canada anyway. Around closed containment, essentially in Canada there are no facilities that you can visit right now that would demonstrate closed containment technology because it doesn't exist.
Essentially from the point of view of management of disease, there's a potential that closed containment technology would control disease better than open net pen cages. At the same time, closed containment is not without its challenges as well. Its energy demands are high; its land use is high. There are animal welfare conditions because fish have to be grown in a much smaller and more contained facility. But to me, at the end of the day, the key thing with respect to British Columbia, at least, is this. The reason aquaculture salmon farming is in British Columbia is proximity to the sea, the ocean, and proximity to markets. Of the salmon grown in British Columbia, 85% is exported to the United States.
If the system were to go completely to closed containment, there's no need to be in British Columbia anymore. You don't need the ocean to produce. Why would you be in B.C.? You would go to where the markets are and grow fish there.
So if you could grow fish at a rate that is more economical and you could do it in closed containment and make money and so on, the industry would leave British Columbia and they would locate in Idaho or Montana or somewhere where land is cheap. You can build these giant tank farms. You're closer to markets and away you go.
So if we do move to closed containment, the rationale for it continuing to exist in B.C. would be difficult to find.