We expected to have, as you mentioned, feedback on the program throughout the regulations that were posted in July 2010. Certainly, we were part of the flow, and when I was here in March, I was telling you that was forthcoming. I would say that the nature of the feedback that we've received, with respect to the discussion document we put out in December of last year and the regulations this year, has been quite comprehensive, as you can imagine.
The way I would describe the feedback we have received on the regulations, I put it in two buckets, so to speak.
The first has been a whole set of comments that have nothing to do with the regulations. They've all been about broader political issues. In some cases, they've been about our view of the future of aquaculture. We've received an awful lot of commentary on what should happen in British Columbia and marine ecosystems in general, that kind of thing. It has all been an absolutely legitimate and appropriate commentary, but nothing to do with the regulations themselves.
Then the second chunk or group of comments that we have received have been focused on the text of the regulations and some of their provisions. It's clear that some of the terms that are in the regulations will require some adjustments. We have a couple of technical problems, we have two translation errors, and there are a few other things.
So there will be adjustments that will be made based on the feedback that we received.
And then when we get into Canada Gazette, part II, and its posting in advance of December 18, we expect there will be potentially some changes there as well.
But by and large, I'd say the feedback we've received is that the model is one that's widely understood, and I think most of the feedback suggests that it's sufficiently comprehensive. It covers what it needs to.