Thank you.
We do have an agreement between Mainstream Canada and the Ahousaht. Since we've had an agreement, things have changed for the better. If we close down the fish farms right now, we would lose a lot of working people. If we close down fish farms, give us a job, because we won't have one. We don't have that employment in Hahoulthee.
Since the agreement, like I said, there are a lot of changes being made in improving the way they do fish farming. We've been doing a little bit of research on it. I think that on the west coast it's a little different from the east coast. We talk about the Fraser River sockeye, but we don't seem to have that kind of sea lice effect that the east coast has. I believe the sockeye on the east coast goes right through the farms, but on the west coast it's not like that. We're not affected by the sea lice as much as the east coast. That's my opinion.