Number one, when a minister makes a decision, the minister has to stand on the decision. If an offloaded group makes the decision, it's into your realm, but the fact is then we get no chance to deal with the people who made the decision.
You've talked about 63% reduction, I believe, since 2008. In 2009, it's certainly clear to me that the minister had pretty clear scientific information from the department. From your experience in this fishery--we're in a cycle in which there was a major decline--she made the decision to follow the views.... Whether you would call it a political decision, a decision that satisfied the industry over the view of science, looking at the situation that we knew she knew and the scientists knew we were in a major decline, she made the decision herself to go with the TAC in 2009 that in the end had a damaging effect on the biomass. Would you agree?