Thank you for the question.
The issue of other “activities”, if I can use that word, that a lighthouse keeper might do, rather than just the lighthouse itself...because there's a distinction, certainly in the minds of some, between the purpose of the light versus the purpose of the lighthouse keeper.
As the minister said, there's never been any question of reducing the number of lights or the safety to mariners. The question of what other activities the lighthouse keepers may have is precisely the question that the minister asked the Senate committee to look at, and that's what it is investigating at the moment.
So I don't know the answer, and I'm not sure if this is answering your question on whether or not we consider economic development as part of our thinking. It would not be something that we would consider. It's not our mandate. That's not what we're funded for. We are, however, interested in knowing what are....
There was such a general outcry of concern around the other activities that a lighthouse keeper may engage in that it was important for us to determine what those are, and, if they are important functions, where they should be housed. Is it necessary that they be with us, and with lighthouse keepers, or could they be somewhere else?