Thank you, Minister.
I have just a follow-up comment. I've talked to many of the farmers, including some of the biggest aquaculture farms on the west coast, and they're very concerned about expanding. They haven't been able to expand, and in seven years there have been no new licences. And the impact on their industry has been the real or perceived problem with sea lice, or what the public views as environmental concerns. That's one of the things that really does limit this industry in Canada.
Looking at things like closed containment could provide a win-win situation for the environment, for the public, for the industry, and for the government.
I just want to move on to the Fisheries Act. There's been talk of a new fisheries act being introduced this year. I wonder if you could give us a comment on the Fisheries Act and if in fact a new act is coming this year. And if so, are you able to provide a list of all those you've consulted regarding this new act?