First, in your considerations of aquaculture, Madame Dansereau, please don't forget that Agro Marine has a very lively operation in China. In terms of the impact on Canadian jobs and the technology being demonstrated there, I hope you will take that into account.
Second, in terms of supertankers on the west coast, I understand there are some 3,000 a year on the west coast and six times that number on the east coast. It's an issue that concerns British Columbians and all Canadians. There is something called the Pacific north coast integrated management area process, and I ask you this: If this isn't a DFO responsibility--and I understand DFO is not funding it —then don't we expose ourselves to the possibility that U.S.-based interests could be funding that process? And those could have an interest in stopping tankers going off our west coast because of the advantage that would be gained by Americans if all the supertanker process were there instead of in Canada.