Sure. Let me assure you absolutely, unequivocally, that Dr. Wendy Watson-Wright has been replaced. Her departure was one that I think we all supported and we're all very proud of her, because she competed among many people internationally for the director general position for the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission and won the competition internationally. So we're very proud of her, and she stays in close contact with us, obviously.
If I may take a second also, a previous question was on the relationship of oceans and science and what our commitment is. We have a very strong commitment to the oceans agenda. In fact after Wendy left we took advantage of that moment to combine the oceans sector and the science sector into one, because the people we rely on the most to address the big oceans questions are in fact our scientists. So we now have Dr. Siddika Mithani, who is the head of our oceans and science sector. She started about a month ago. We started the process, had a competition, and she won the competition. She is a well-respected scientist in her own right, so there's no lack of commitment or lesser commitment there. In fact it's a greater commitment. A commitment doesn't always have to be measured with increasing dollars. It can be increasing intent and organization, and that's what we have in this case.
Regarding the Cohen inquiry and the funding, the management of the Cohen inquiry itself and its funds is not.... We have no relationship with it, so that question would have to be asked elsewhere. There is a possibility that we will receive some money to organize ourselves for document production. We assume that there will be an awful lot of documents that will have to be produced for this inquiry. We will be doing everything we can to provide them with as much information as we can possibly give them.
We truly believe it's an opportunity for us to get to the heart of some of the questions. So there's complete support on the whole of the department, starting with the minister right through for this inquiry. So we're organizing ourselves. We have a team of people focusing on it in British Columbia under Paul's guidance. We have a team focusing on it in Ottawa as well. Really, we're there to do whatever we can to provide support.
On west coast salmon, Paul can give you more details on the Skeena and how it's unfolding. I don't think the decisions or the decision points are with us at this point, but I'll let Paul answer the specifics.