I do not want to pressure you. I do not wish to offend my Liberal friends, but I cannot help thinking about the Gomery Commission on the infamous sponsorship scandal, and I have a feeling that we have not solved all the problems, as we now have the Cohen Commission.
I think it is important to let you know that problems with salmon runs in the Fraser River are long standing. A report is to be published in May 2011, and I won't get into what is probably going to happen after that. I do not want us to cloud the issue, that is, to end up with a commission that examines and observes the situation, but ultimately does not eliminate the problem. That is what I am worried about.
When I think about the work you will do and the work that we could do, that we have already done, I wonder if there is possibly something else we could do to help you out in the coming months or years. That's all. It's not that you necessarily need our help, as you are perfectly capable of managing things on your own. However, I would like you to reassure me a little bit, or a lot, or not at all.