Well, I'm optimistic, because now, for once, the people who are responsible for the wild fish will also be responsible for the farm fish. In my experience, I've been like a ping-pong ball. I go to the province and say there's this problem; they say DFO said it was okay. So I go to DFO and DFO says the province is managing it. So it's just been back and forth. Now it's all in one house.
I also feel that we need to clean that house up, because the people of British Columbia are saying they want wild salmon as the top priority. What I see is that every time there is conflict, the farm salmon win. We are told that our concerns are not valid. That's why I did 10 years of sea lice research, because DFO told me to prove it because it was anecdotal. They told me they wanted made-in-B.C. science. So I turned my home into a research station and now we've done over 20 scientific papers on this.
It's time to accept the science and move forward. This era of denial has got to end, because I think British Columbia is just not going to take it any more.