Thank you very much, Mr. Kamp.
Your questions are my questions. I trust that Fisheries and Oceans Canada very much appreciates the current activity in terms of audit and surveillance of the fish industry right now. Verbally they've said that they'd like to continue it. I know that the environmental non-governmental organizations, the ENGOs, are quite appreciative of the fact that we're keeping a finger on its pulse, and they feel confident that we're watching for the things we need to be watching for.
The provincial government surely is happy with the situation. Our program has been touted as exceeding international standards. I know that the Canadian Food Inspection Agency is suggesting that it would be nice for all other agribusinesses to follow suit. Again, it's unfortunate that you didn't get the graphs. We can measure the amount of chemicals used in fish right down to grams per metric tonne of animal produced.
I think DFO wants to continue this. I think they feel the need to continue this, but I don't know how it will look. I'm looking forward to seeing their new regulations. I think they will tighten up some of the regulatory requirements for fish health. Right now, the fish health plans are tagged to a term and condition of licence, whereas I have a feeling that the federal regulations may firm that up and turn it into a regulation. I'm not quite sure whether I'll be involved or if my team will be involved or where it will be, but there will be some semblance of it.