Again, I think a DFO scientist would be more qualified to answer that question about the pressure of seal predation, or predation in general, on wild fish. It's outside of my expertise. We do know that it's generally accepted that seals and sea lions do certainly follow herring in and eat a number of herring and salmon. They grow up on salmon.
From the farm perspective, seals and sea lions are a significant problem in the winter months. The seals and sea lions accumulate around the farms, and they can literally kill thousands of fish each night. They are very strong animals. What they do--if you'd like me to explain--is just rush the nets, push it through, and grab a fish by its belly or throat. They just suck the internal organs through the net. They drop the carcass there, and they do it dozens of times. It's almost like a cat-and-mouse game. But that's the way they fill themselves up. You get groups of sea mammals that will do that over and over again. The farms have to deal with that.