To add to that, Mr. Donnelly, I think it's important to look at the big picture here. As I mentioned, our production is actually going in the wrong direction. Other countries are growing at an annual rate of 6%. There's a huge demand.
As we know, the traditional capture fisheries are not going to be increasing in volume. To feed the people and to meet that seafood demand in Canada, as well as internationally, it has to come from aquaculture. Canada has a huge potential for playing a role there. We aren't doing a very good job in comparison to our competitors, but we have that potential.
We have a strong regulatory system. We will continue to improve our sustainability, as Mr. Backman said, but we already are a responsible and sustainable industry. We could be doing more to play a role in food security, as well as employing coastal and rural Canadians.
I think that's the big picture we need to be looking at.