Those are all good questions.
There was a huge commercial fishery at Greenland. The Atlantic Salmon Federation and a partner of ours from Iceland, North Atlantic Salmon Fund, actually worked with the Greenland Home Rule Government and the Greenland fishermen to suspend. We have an agreement under which they don't fish commercially, and we're investing in alternative employment opportunities for those fishermen. They had a modest subsistence fishery, which is actually growing, because they see more fish and so on.
There are many causes for the Atlantic salmon's decline; aquaculture is one of them.
There are plenty of areas in eastern Canada where Atlantic salmon runs in the last decade have been on the rise. All those areas are where there are no aquaculture operations. There is continued decline in the Bay of Fundy and southern Newfoundland. The whole province of Newfoundland had a banner year this year except for Bay d'Espoir, Conne River, in southern Newfoundland, which is where the aquaculture operation is.