They want to provide data on the growth rate survival, key metrics in terms of how the fish are grown, any antibiotics, any chemicals being used, things like that. So today what we have to share is that the fish are doing quite well. There's been about a 5% mortality, and the mortality of those fish have been fish that have jumped out of the tank. There hasn't been any sense of disease, parasites, or any other pathogens. No antibiotics, no vaccines have been used. The fish are growing quite well. At the end of August they were about 1.6 kilos and they're on target to be about 4 kilograms by January.
Looking at the graph comparisons between the land-based facility in West Virginia with that of the net pens, these fish would go to market about eight to nine months before the net pen fish become market size. So they grow a lot faster in freshwater as well.