Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
I want to welcome our guests, especially Terry, who is from my riding. The same river you overlook overlooks the top of my house, too, as I recall. When we built our house, they closed the same section of that river to salmon fishing that same year, unfortunately, in the Grand Pass just below the Magaguadavic Dam.
I've had the opportunity to be at your facility in Northampton on a number of occasions, and we've had a chance to talk on a number of occasions as well. I have so many questions and so little time.
I'd like to start with some of the challenges we have of not having both witnesses here in the same group. We don't have a chance to have a dialogue back and forth, so we miss an opportunity to do that. But there was a challenge on escapes. Could you just comment, from your standpoint, on the number of escapes that you've had documented, on the accuracy of your escapes?
Can you also talk to the genetic impact on the wild species? I'd just like to understand that from the aquaculture side. Are these fish actually able to mate in the wild environment? Our last witness talked about a 0.02% survival rate and then about the ability of these fish to mate in the environment. Can you talk about those two questions?