I agree with you completely. Here's one example. We're working with the Atlantic Salmon Federation on a joint conservation project, which we've done for many years. In the Magaguadavic River the returns are very low. We have a hatchery on that river. We have dedicated a space with a separate facility where together with the Magaguadavic River Salmon Recovery Group, which ASF is a member of, as is DFO and a number of local conservationists, we grow the wild salmon so that they can be released at different stages by the recovery group into the river as part of the restocking. And there's another project in the inner Bay of Fundy that another company has worked on.
So we are trying to find the solutions, not just how to make our industry healthy but also how to restore wild salmon. We have the expertise in-house to do that. We have a lot of people who know more about fish biology and how to raise fish and how to keep them healthy than anybody else.