That was a test.
Moving over to the track record, and I don't want to get specifically into your track record for the containment of salmon, we heard a little bit earlier that there were over 200,000 escapes. The first part of the question is, would that be a number that you're aware of or would agree with?
Secondly, as you indicated, your containment and escape prevention program is something you're proud of, and it's low in your testimony. You did touch on your escape strategies or the prevention of escape, and your technologies were pretty good. Do the industries vary tremendously in the strategies employed for escapees? When I heard the number earlier of 200,000, I initially thought you just stop the fish from escaping and figure out a way to put in technology to stop them from escaping.
Could you give me an overview of how the technology in that escape prevention varies or doesn't? What would be the difference between your company and others?