That is where we will essentially start our business so that we're profitable from the beginning.
There's also another market pressure. Again, I encourage you to call Kelly Roebuck, from Living Oceans, who studied the marketing perspectives deeply. By 2015, market pressure will be demanding that the Safeways of the world.... In fact, Safeway has committed to removing Atlantic salmon, as currently produced, from their shelves. We have another pressure point on the industry that is forcing the change to a higher standard of production. I think that is a global initiative. I think you will see that, sir, become ubiquitous.
Again, we can get ahead of the curve by moving to closed containment earlier rather than later, because we'll begin to command more of that end market as that market shift rolls through.
But please don't take my testimony here too accurately; I believe that to be the case. I know Kelly Roebuck to be the market expert, and perhaps David might have a--