Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I have a comment regarding the rural issue. While closed-containment aquaculture will likely remain a rural enterprise, I think you will definitely see a migration--if it went far enough--to other rural areas that have lower hydroelectric costs. Indeed, I was just informed that in Montana, two Hutterite colonies are already using closed containment to raise coho stocks. Where I come from in Manitoba, we have the lowest hydroelectric rates in North America. Once closed containment becomes really viable and if it were ever mandated, I think you would see a migration away from coastal communities.
Regarding the comment about production via closed containment for a niche market, there is the notion that you will be getting higher prices for this niche product, as my colleague Mr. Kamp called it, based on a report. What you're basically doing with closed containment is producing a luxury item for high-income consumers. Is that correct?