Thanks very much, Mr. Chair, and thanks very much to each of our presenters here, both in person and by video conference. We've certainly heard some very interesting information this afternoon, and it's going to be very helpful to this committee.
I'd like to start my questions with Ms. Walling, please. You certainly belong to an interesting organization, and it sounds as though it's extremely busy and productive, so you've got a good organization going there, by the sounds of it.
I was interested in your comment regarding the likelihood that closed containment operations would operate in quite a different geographic area than the fish farming areas are in right now. I think we've heard from other people that they could be located anywhere. Right now we're looking at rural, coastal areas, and as you have pointed out, it's at mainly a lot of first nations communities where that's certainly one of the only—in some cases the only—economic boosts they may have.
We've heard from other people that the land-based area is not a concern, that they could go anywhere, and when you're saying that you think they probably would be located in other areas, I think you're maybe saying the same thing. Would we be looking at economic devastation to our local coastal fishing communities, for one thing?
If they are in different areas, how does that impact the land supply issue and the price of land? How does that get balanced?
Another thing we've heard quite a bit about is the cost of energy.