It's a pleasure to be here today.
As a bit of background, I am a professor in the Department of Zoology at the University of British Columbia. I am a biologist, specifically a physiologist, who studies how animals adapt to different environments and, in essence, how animals work. I study fish, which as species represent half of all vertebrates on the planet and live in almost every aquatic habitat. So they are a marvellous group to investigate environmental adaptations. Salmon of course are very impressive in their migratory ability and in their ability to transfer between fresh water and sea water, which is a great challenge that only about 3% of all fish are capable of doing. While much of my research program is focused upon basic research, I also conduct research related to aquaculture, particularly geared toward making it more sustainable, as is the case for many of my colleagues in zoology at UBC. Research into the biological requirements of cultured fish is really applied physiology, my main interest, and the biological requirements of fish are of course very important in intensive culture of any species.
Land-based closed containment aquaculture is technically possible, but it's economic feasibility is a topic of debate. What is clear is that profitability is dependent on optimizing water quality and the biological conditions for growth of salmon at high densities. Recirculating aquaculture systems, abbreviated RAS, are unique in aquaculture in that they provide an opportunity to completely control the environmental rearing conditions, such as salinity, temperature, ammonia, carbon dioxide, and density, all of which can greatly influence growth. Complete control over these conditions allows salmon to be reared under optimal conditions, promoting fish welfare and product quality, maximizing growth and economy of production. While the conditions that result in adequate growth in some salmon species, such as Atlantic salmon, are reasonably well described, conditions for optimal growth for any salmon species, especially at high stocking densities, are largely unknown. Defining the truly optimal conditions that maximize growth and increase food conversion ratios in closed containment aquaculture is crucial for the long-term success of the industry.
There are currently two facilities that conduct this sort of research, the Freshwater Institute in West Virginia and Nofima in Norway, both of which conduct world class research on Atlantic salmon requirements. To provide this sort of information catered to the specific needs of British Columbia and Canada, Western Economic Diversification has partnered with UBC, with an application pending to Tides, to develop an initiative for the study of the environment and its aquatic systems, abbreviated InSEAS. InSEAS is a world-class aquatic research facility currently being built and consisting of a team of internationally recognized fish biologists and physiologists. The overall goal of InSEAS is to define water quality parameters, like salinity and temperature in particular, but also ammonia, carbon dioxide, oxygen, pH, and other conditions like density and alternate diets, all of which result in optimal growth performance and the welfare of salmon at all life stages of development, from juvenile to smolt to adult, and all of which may have different requirements for a given species or strain of choice for land-based closed containment aquaculture. This information can then be used in economic forecasting of the costs and benefits of using these optimal, or maybe sub-optimal, conditions in land-based closed containment aquaculture.
For example, relatively little is known regarding the optimal salinity for rearing salmon in closed containment aquaculture. Salmon regulate their blood electrolyte levels at approximately one-third seawater, a process that requires energy. Here, it has been proposed that if electrolyte regulation is expensive energywise, with some estimates as high as 20% of resting metabolism, optimal growth may occur at an intermediate salinity between fresh water and seawater values. There is interest in rearing salmon at intermediate salinities in closed containment aquaculture in B.C. However, there have been no systematic studies designed to determine what salinity would be best, which has an influence on site selection, system design, and profitability. If a chosen salinity improved growth and/or feed conversion by 20%, this would have great significance for fish production, which would have to be balanced by the cost—or possibly the savings—of rearing fish at that salinity.
InSEAS is designed to derive the relationship between salinity, growth, and other indicators of performance in any salmon species through the use of seven independent RAS systems, each with replicated tanks. A similar approach can be taken for temperature, where we know that different species, and even strains of that species, have quite different optimal temperatures, which remain largely unresolved.
All research performed at InSEAS will be conducted in partnership with industry and government agencies. Through membership of the InSEAS Scientific Facilitation Board, the aquaculture industry will assist InSEAS researchers in identifying knowledge gaps that potentially limit profitability of land-based closed containment salmon farming. We will partner with industry through applications to research partnership programs, such as the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, NSERC. However, these do not currently have programs specifically directed toward aquaculture and, more specifically, closed containment aquaculture. They also require industrial support, which is difficult in the current climate.
A source of funding specifically geared to closed containment aquaculture would greatly enhance the rate at which information can be generated and disseminated to industry to increase Canada's competitiveness in the marketplace for the emerging technology of land-based closed containment aquaculture.
Thanks very much.