We've had some interesting discussion. I think you said that this is starting to become more of a discussion of economics. We've certainly heard the rural and urban discussion around it.
Being from a small northern riding up in the Yukon, I see some industry, such as trapping, for example, that goes on up there. While I appreciate your comment about it being just an economic issue, I wonder if enough of the social and cultural practices of rural Canadians are built into that formula. When I specifically think about the trapping industry, so much of their activity out on the land, regardless of the economic outcome, provides tremendous value to the community at large in terms of protecting heritage and culture and those sorts of things. I wonder how much weight is put on that in any of these projects. I could easily translate that back to Atlantic Canada and say that having people on the ocean working on the ocean contributes so much to Canadian culture and Canadian identity. If we pull everything onto the land, we lose something that's historically very valuable to us.
I certainly have made a commitment to my riding to try to preserve our past and protect it from neglect. I just wanted to hear maybe some comments on how we ensure that those things that are so valuable are given due weight, at least in a discussion that is starting to stream more towards the economics.