Thank you very much, Mr. Easter.
No, we don't think it was balanced. So often we use the term David and Goliath, because that's what it felt like.
I'm repeating myself here, but they come from a community of 700 people, they come from a community of fishermen. Not to put down fishermen whatsoever, but it's not a world that fishermen are comfortable or familiar with, in terms of dealing with the federal government, environmental screening processes, and so on. It was of nightmare proportions for them. Essentially, they all felt lucky that there were three or four people who were prepared to sit down and work their way through this process.
As I mentioned earlier, it was a situation where we didn't have scientific expertise. We had to call on volunteers. We literally had potluck dinners to try to raise enough money for stamps. I'm not saying that to be silly; it's the truth. When we were trying to send letters out or to get some information on the Internet and so on, that's literally how we had to raise money.
We sat down with the province early on, with Minister Belliveau, and tried to explain the situation to him. We told him that he could go to his federal counterpart and ask for the assessment to be raised up to another level where communities could be given support to be able to hire scientists and so on. It was quite interesting. At one of their meetings they told us, first of all, that he was not prepared to do it. And you're right, it's a lot sexier to be in the business of promoting aquaculture than it is to be regulating the fisheries. In fact the Province of Nova Scotia said, and this is pretty well a quote, “We do not have any scientific expertise in the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture. We are relying on the federal government to undertake the science necessary.”
It's interesting.