I think one of the other concerns is that the changes to the regulations seem to in fact be a response to the desire on behalf of the aquaculture companies to have both easier and greater access to a plethora.... I forget what they actually call it—not more tools in the toolbox, or arsenal...I forget what it is. Essentially, the reality is it seems to in fact be a response to the aquaculture industry, because the realization is that the pesticides they are currently using aren't working. The lice and so on are in fact building up a resistance to the pesticides that are currently approved in Canada. They are basically saying, okay, what we really need is access to a greater range of pesticides and a freer access to those.
It doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense to me. What we are saying is if we want to go into mega-factory farming, and the company is going to make an incredible amount of money to do so, you and I are going to pay the price, because they just can't control the disease associated with those farms.