Thank you for the invitation. I would certainly love to do that, Mr. Mayor.
The Royal Society of Canada recently released a report. I'm not sure if you're aware of this or have heard of it. It was called “Sustaining Canada’s Marine Biodiversity: Responding to the Challenges Posed by Climate Change, Fisheries, and Aquaculture”. Certainly, the panel of scientists note the inherent uncertainty of scientific data. In the report, they basically conclude that it's accepted that the open-net fish farms can cause infections of salmon louse, can contribute to infections in native salmonids, and that these infections can increase juvenile salmonid mortality rates. That's essentially a quote out of this report. The report authors expressed concern over the potential spread of other salmon disease. I know there was concern from the ISAB—and it has been contentious—about parasites and sea lice in the ocean coming from aquaculture and affecting wild salmon. That has been the source of a fair amount of controversy.
I'm wondering about the findings of this new, national report. It has international implications, in fact—the Royal Society of Canada's report. I'm wondering how that plays with you, and how that might affect, for instance, areas like the Broughton Archipelago, the wild salmon fishery, or other areas—the things that you described that are quite amazing and beautiful in your part of the world.