I'm aware that the only way that aquaculture can expand is by developing new sites and/or getting permission to increase the volume, or the population, in their existing sites. If they're spending most of their time negotiating with other organizations that are against their existence, that's their choice. They probably have a gun to their heads, and they have to do what they're doing with Living Oceans and any other environmental organization that is committed to the destruction of the aquaculture industry.
I can see where they're almost prisoners of the situation. I think it's very unfortunate that any environmental organization, especially when they're funded from outside our country, should interfere in the normal development of an industry that is perfectly legitimate and perfectly capable of functioning safely and employing a lot of people.
That's the basis for my whole involvement in this thing. I want to see our communities develop. I want to see first nations people and young people developing in their capabilities and working in the areas they were brought up in, so that they can benefit from the beauty of the area and its ability to provide solid, steady jobs on an economical basis year-round.
That, to me, is worthwhile. This is why I'm involved to this extent with you folks today. I really appreciate your committee doing what it's doing. I appreciate the quality of the questions that we've had. I wish we had another couple of hours. I'd much prefer to do this over a coffee or a beer in Port McNeill, or Port Hardy, but maybe another time we'll be able to do that.