Let's go back a bit to the previous part of your question when you talked about the consultation process, or me trying to get information back from fishers.
I didn't think it was the right thing to do to limit debate. I wanted to open debate on fisheries in general. If I went into this process and said you can talk about this, but you can't talk about this, this, and this, that's not fulsome, wholesome debate. I wanted to hear back from everybody and to get their views. I'm hearing all types of views, and that's fair.
I was at the International Boston Seafood Show over this past weekend, and believe me, I heard lots of views. Some were fairly positive views, but mostly people, even people who are inshore fishers, admitted to me during that process that they felt there had to be some modernization of the fishery. I don't think anybody would argue with that. I don't think anyone would argue that there has to be change made. But what the change is, that's what I'm trying to gather information to understand.
In terms of the west coast, my understanding is—and Mr. Donnelly may be able to provide different information, I don't know—that the ITQ system on the west coast, after getting over the initial problems at the start, has worked fairly well. They seem to be functioning quite well there.