Nor do a lot of people think about the fact that they pull their boat out of the water, put it on a trailer, take it home, and next weekend stick it in another lake. They don't think about that.
That's what public education is all about. That's what the ramp signs are for. That's what the huge signs that we mount at marinas are for. That's what the highway signs are for. Clean your boat, don't transfer, don't do this, don't do that: it has an impact.
We work with cottage associations. We go to “Canada Blooms” shows. We go to fishing shows and hunting shows. We go to cottage shows and boating shows and everything all across the province. Our staff are always there. They're always educating. Their booths are always jammed with people who want to learn more about this. We're working on things like aquarium plants: don't be dumping aquariums into our lakes and rivers.