I appreciate the question.
We've done quite a few risk assessments since 2006, when we started. The results are useful in many ways, and I can give some very specific examples.
We've done a risk assessment for bloody red shrimp, which arrived in the Great Lakes in about 2006. Through the risk assessment we were able to identify other areas where it may be and where maybe we should start monitoring those areas looking for them. That summer, we implemented a monitoring program for bloody red shrimp and did find them in those areas. We were able to get at them a lot earlier than we would have without the risk assessment to help guide where we should look.
The Great Lakes are huge, and we need these risk assessments to help us target our vulnerable areas.
The risk assessments also come with a level of uncertainty. What is driving uncertainty or certainty with a risk assessment? A lot of our risk assessments have identified research priorities that we need to take in order to increase our certainty or our comfort level with the level of risk a species poses.
Probably one of our proudest results was our 2004 risk assessment for all of Canada for Asian carp. The risk assessment result was that the risk was high should Asian carp be introduced into Canadian waters. That led to the ban of possession and sale of live Asian carp in the province of Ontario. So there was a very direct link from our risk assessment results to seeing regulations in place by the province. Subsequent to that, the Province of B.C. has also banned possession and sale of Asian carp, based on the results of our first risk assessment.
The second question was on determining our current risk assessment priorities. One of my jobs is to basically scan the radar. I'm looking at what pathways are available for invasive species to travel to Canada and what species are on those pathways. Is there anything happening in the States? Are there species there that we should be concerned about in Canada? Is there something going on in Europe?
We also talk to the provinces, NGOs, and anyone who will provide us with information about what their concerns are, what the next potential invasive species are that they are concerned about.
We compile that information, and we'll do a rapid assessment: is it in a pathway to Canada, could it survive, and would it have impacts? That list is then vetted through a national executive committee we have that's made up of representatives of scientists and managers from across DFO. They prioritize, based on the information we have available.
In some cases, we are formally asked by either our own agency or other agencies to conduct a risk assessment. That helps move things up the priority list because it's a formal request for science advice. That's how we come up with what we're going to work on that year.