I think, undoubtedly, it's the Asian carps that are on the doorstep to Canada that are of the greatest risk to the Great Lakes right now. You did hear about the snakehead in Burnaby. That's not the closest snakehead to the Great Lakes in North America. In fact, there's a population established in the Potomac River in Washington, D.C., and in a pond in Philadelphia, and there have been sightings elsewhere towards the Great Lakes.
There is not an obvious pathway to bring them to the Great Lakes. For example, we do not see them in trade at live food markets in the Great Lakes Basin, but that's the one we're keeping our eye on, because it is moving in unpredictable ways outside of areas that had obvious pathways.
So the Asian carps, and then, secondarily, I think the snakehead, from at least a fish perspective, would be of concern.
There's another species as well that is found in the live food trade in the Toronto area. It's the Asian swamp eel. That species has had a significant negative effect in parts of the United States where it has been established. That's a species that is on the radar screen as well.