The U.S. Geological Survey is continuing to work on those toxicants that would be species specific. Asian carp feed by filter feeding. They're large fish; they can get up to 50 kilograms. They swim through the water column with their mouth open or they sip at the surface and filter microparticles or plankton through their gills. What they want is for them to filter the fish poisons in the same way. From what I understand, they are still in the trial phase and are having some success. They feel optimistic they will be able to come up with a specific piscicide.
The one thing we have to keep in mind is that most piscicides are not species specific. Even though the effect is intended to be on Asian carp, there could be some incidental mortalities as well. We would have to evaluate whether or not we are willing to take that risk once that poison system becomes operational.