Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Good morning, everyone. It's nice to see you all again.
I very much appreciate this opportunity to appear before you regarding Bill C-45 and the amendments, specifically clauses 173 to 178. I only wish that we would have had an opportunity for further consultation on all the amendments. I'll keep my comments general, with some specific relations to Bill C-45.
With respect to the Fisheries Act consultations, the amendments to the Fisheries Act were thrust upon Canadians without consultation. In answer to public outcry, Fisheries and Oceans Minister Ashfield promised consultation with the provinces, aboriginal groups, stakeholders such as conservation groups, anglers, landowners, and municipalities, to develop the regulatory and policy framework to support the new and focused direction that is set out by those proposed changes.
The deadline for approval of the Fisheries Act amendments by order in council is January 1, 2013, and that date is fast approaching. DFO has arranged no meaningful consultation before this.
The Atlantic Salmon Federation, ASF, recognizes that DFO staff are trying to consult with the provinces and develop the scientific data that would guide the amendments. Stakeholders such as ASF would benefit from being able to review some of the important scientific foundation work that has already been provided by DFO scientists through the Canadian Scientific Advisory Secretariat.
We request, on behalf of the Canadian public, access to these reports, and to have scientists available with whom we can discuss the scientific underpinnings to the key concepts of the amended act.
ASF is still committed to working with DFO to ensure that the implementation of the amended Fisheries Act will protect our fish and their habitats from the impacts of industrial projects in an effective and cost-efficient way, and sustain the many economic and social benefits our recreational fisheries provide now and far into the future. We cannot do this without meaningful consultation that is framed by DFO by providing its information and scientific data that spells out the rationale for protection of our fish and their habitat, amended under the Fisheries Act.
ASF recommends that to allow for meaningful, informed consultation to occur, the order in council required to have the changes to the act come into force by the January 1 date be deferred to June 2013. This extension should ensure adequate consultation and the involvement of all interested Canadians, and time for government officials to do an effective job to develop and share with stakeholders their science-based input.
ASF has prepared a preliminary report, which we have shared with DFO, on the Fisheries Act amendments. In summary, I'll speak to some of those items.
With respect to habitat, fisheries are very important, but a fishery is only as good as the health of the fish and the habitat in the ecosystem on which they depend. This should be the fundamental premise of implementation of the act. The principle of no net loss should continue and be applied consistently.
Regarding recreational fish, ASF emphasizes that protecting the recreational fishery requires not only protecting the specific recreational fish, but also the fish that support the recreational fish. There must be protection of the ecosystem, which supports the health and existence of recreational fish, and the fish that support those fish. The definition of a recreational fishery, as meaning that a species of fish “is harvested under the authority of a licence for personal use of the fish or for sport”, is far too simplistic and seems to infer that populations that are not healthy enough to support a fishery will not be protected. It is important to protect not only existing fisheries but also potential fisheries. The presence of wild Atlantic salmon in a river should be sufficient to identify the existence of a recreational fishery.
It's important to also protect fish listed under SARA. The concept of expansion in productivity of a fishery is not captured in the amended act. Enhancement and restoration of recreational fisheries must be considered, which goes beyond protecting the productivity of fisheries that exist now.
Regarding economic value, the economic and social value of recreational fisheries relies on healthy rivers and oceans, which brings us back to the importance of protecting fish and their habitat to support long-term economic benefits far into the future. It is important to protect potential economic value by protecting fish that may not support a fishery at the moment but have the potential to do so through restoration and enhancement.
Regarding partnerships, there is little information from government on how partnerships under the amendments would work. ASF agrees that efforts of the private and government sector should be more effectively integrated and carried out under a central plan. ASF sees some potential in working in partnership, and recommends that the federal government develop a paper that helps groups such as the Atlantic Salmon Federation understand what is entailed in the government's concept of partnerships and how they would potentially work.
With respect to science, science is of utmost importance in arriving at sound decisions on protection of fish and their habitat, which in turn protects fisheries.
ASF recommends with all urgency that DFO scientists consult with NGO scientists very soon to develop scientific criteria that will underlie decisions on fish and habitat protection in the amended Fisheries Act.
To assist in addressing the science needed to support the Fisheries Act, just as an example, the Ontario chapter of the American Fisheries Society is working with Trout Unlimited and the World Wildlife Fund to produce an independent science piece on key principles that will inform the discussion.
Again, the short timeline of January 1 challenges the effective use of such important scientific input.
Specific to Bill C-45, which is meant to clarify parts of Bill C-38, I'll offer the following comments with respect to the environmental damages fund.
This will not be the cash cow that some profess it to be. A substantial reduction in penalties has occurred, and this is expected to continue.
Because of the new subjective terms that have been introduced, such as “serious harm”, “permanent alteration and/or destruction”, and “ongoing productivity of a fishery”, the amendments are at present legally and scientifically undefined.
It is a huge challenge to determine scientifically how “serious harm”, or causing “death of fish”, affects the productivity of a fishery. This will be a challenge when considering whether to authorize obstruction to the fish passage.
How many fish have to be destroyed to constitute “serious harm”? How do you take into account cumulative impacts? Without clear legal and scientific underpinnings, it will be impossible to get a conviction in the courts. In fact, there will be too much uncertainty in the definitions of serious harm and/or permanent damage for a judge to make a definitive ruling, or for habitat staff to lay a charge, for that matter.
With respect to destruction of fish passage, I know of no instances in eastern Canada where blockage of rivers increases the abundance of native fish. Damming rivers alters the habitat from moving water to still water, a river to a lake. The species composition for a river is very different from that of a lake, and this is often to the detriment of native fish. Although there may be an increase in fish biomass, this is often not in favour of a native wild fish. Productivity of a non-native fish to the detriment of a native fish is simply not acceptable.
Then there's the impact of serious cuts to the DFO habitat staff. These are the people who would make the charges that would lead to the convictions that would lead to the money in the environmental damages fund. We know now that the new fisheries protection program, which was formerly habitat, will have only 16 service delivery points across the country.
With respect to the Atlantic region, these offices will be located in three cities: Moncton, Dartmouth, and St. John's, Newfoundland. Prince Edward Island didn't make the list despite the province's significant impact on river habitat from agricultural runoff. In the Gulf region, we have lost the Tracadie and Charlottetown offices. In Newfoundland, five offices have been reduced to one. In Nova Scotia, at least four offices have been reduced to one.
In 2000, in the Pacific region, there were 1,800 habitat-related investigations, leading to 49 convictions. By 2010, the number of investigations was down to only 300. Convictions under the habitat provisions were down to only one.
The constant pressure of reducing staff and budgets has led to the staff being unable to do their jobs. Habitat protection has been dismantled, which leaves little hope that there will be effective control of assaults on fish habitat or much money flowing into the environmental damages fund.
I could go on, but I'll finish by urging this committee to use its influence to delay approval of the amendments by order in council to allow time to ensure that these amendments are scientifically and legally defensible and that there has been meaningful consultation with the many Canadians who want to have strong protection for our fish and fish habitat.
Thank you.