This change, more fundamentally, is about seeing that harvesters who participate in fisheries should be taking on responsibility, and cost responsibility, for those measures for their compliance with conservation stipulations, tags being one of those types of requirements, and that they should be providing that kind of a marking of their gear at their cost. This change is to facilitate doing that.
The department also, as part of moving forward with changes such as with gear tags, has said yes, we recognize the importance of tags in terms of a conservation measure and securing an orderly fishery, and we would be open to considering alternatives to tags if industry wanted to come forward with alternatives that would achieve the same outcomes as are being provided for tags.
When it comes to the lobster fishery, it's pretty clear that the industry is of the view that the tags are the way to continue to proceed.
That is what we're facilitating with the protocol I've described, which we have out, and the arrangements that are now coming forward in terms of the supply of tags to the fishing industry.