First of all, the reason it's there is that this was part of the last budget, Budget 2012. We get the money once the specific announcement has gone through the approval process through a Treasury Board submission. Once the Treasury Board ministers have approved a component of the budget, then the money is released through one of the supplementary estimates.
In this case the money shown for VLE is specifically for the life extension of the Amundsen. Amundsen is a medium icebreaker used in the central and Arctic region. It's based in Quebec. We had to replace five of its engines.
In our regular capital program we don't have funds for major investments of that size. We have a limited capital program. For huge investments, like the acquisition of a new ship, or for major work on ships, like a vessel life extension, we seek money at the government level.
In its last budget the government was extremely generous in committing $5.2 billion to the coast guard over the next 11 years. A portion of that is designated to vessel life extension.
Vessel life extension is a good investment in that we can extend the theoretical life of a vessel. Whereas in some cases we had said the life of a vessel might be 30 or 40 years, in fact when we get to that stage, and given the good maintenance we do on our ships, we're able to extend its life by 10 or 15 more years of good service for the coast guard.